destination wedding Roma

Destination wedding Rome

Destination wedding Rome: an eternal choice, which permits you to live the capital to the full, discovering, one by one, all its never-ending marvels.

Destination wedding is an experience which more and more Italians choose to crown their lovedream in a city or a place of special significance.

Not only that, because in the case of destination wedding Rome, we are talking of a real and proper journey, enabling one to discover, in the chosen time-frame, one of the most beautiful and magical cities in the world.

Destination Wedding Rome: the eternal city with unforgettable coup d’oeils.

Rome is called the eternal city because of the endless testimonies of its glorious past.

Foremost are the Colosseum and Roman Forum, places which conjure up the spell of Ancient Rome and which can be visited stone by stone, in a tour to discover the ancient city.

As well as its most famous symbols, Rome reserves surprises at every street corner, because it is the city of coup d’oeils, which spring up out of the blue and fill one’s eyes with their beauty.

From the Spanish steps to the green mantle of Villa Borghese, a destination wedding Rome is a rich and fulfilling experience, which blends together harmoniously art and urban beauty, tradition and modernity.

Modernity, because Rome is the capital of Italy, its cultural and artistic centre, also dedicated to fashion and haute-couture.

Destination wedding Rome: between high fashion and the traditional local cuisine.

There are many old boutiques and family businesses in the centre where one can go shopping, which display all sorts of clothes and special objects, realised with all the traditional expertise of Italian hand-craft.

Last but not least, Rome also boasts an excellent cuisine, blending traditional dishes with modern creativity. Here can be found the best restaurants in the country, ready to welcome with open arms an eternal wedding, just like the city which awaits you.

For further information on destination wedding Rome offers, we invite you to send us a message clicking on this link.
